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"And the study of Torah, is equal to them all"  (פאה א)
מאת יונתן יוסף דגמי

In Memory of     
MILTON & MARILYN SOMBERG z"l is an organization that was established to assist Orthodox Rabbis & Jewish educators alongside synagogues & schools in their existing efforts by inviting and planning engagements for guest speakers, establishing Torah classes, lectures and events with a goal to advance Torah and Jewish education.

Shuldotcom Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and public charity.

Our process begins through speaking engagements, videos, marketing, technology consulting, printed content, in-person and online Torah classes, weekend Shabbatons, events, sponsorships, books and sefarim distribution and more. We strive to increase learning and teaching through innovative ideas and solutions.  


Our mission is connecting & exciting Jews to learn and study Torah.

אמר רב יהודה אמר רב:
לעולם יעסוק אדם בתורה ובמצוה אפילו שלא לשמה, שמתוך שלא לשמה בא לשמה
.שבשכר ארבעים ושתים קרבנות שהקריב בלק זכה ויצאה ממנו רות.
(סנהדרין קה ב)

לפיכך כשמלמדין את הקטנים ואת הנשים וכלל עמי הארץ
אין מלמדין אותן אלא לעבוד מיראה, וכדי לקבל שכר, עד שתרבה דעתן ויתחכמו חכמה יתירה מגלים להם רז זה מעט מעט,
ומרגילין אותן לענין זה בנחת עד שישיגוהו וידעוהו ויעבדוהו מאהבה.
(משנה תורה - תשובה י ה)

Jewish Events & Torah Classes



What Offers

• for Synagogues, Schools & Shuls

• for Rabbis, Educators, Lecturers & Jewish Speakers

  • Torah Classes, Speaking Engagements, Inspiring Lectures & Event Planning provides services which gives a platform to Rabbis and Jewish public speakers. handles all aspects and coordination from inviting, planning and setting up speaking events and lectures along with marketing and bringing the audiences to these speakers. is about inspiring Jewish communities to learn more Torah on a more frequent basis, help individuals to become better people and improve their lives through Jewish Education.

  • Marketing Flyers for Digital & Print and Creative Concepts supports your synagogue, bet midrash and Jewish organization to be more successful and gain more from the existing user base. Using simple innovative techniques, we provide more success measured by true numbers of new/existing users coming and attending the venues. Creating flyers for Speeches, Speaking Engagements, Schedules, Special Events and more

  • WhatsApp Group & Community Management

  • YouTube Channel & Podcast

    It was this inspiration that ultimately led me to create, an online platform and brand designed to bring together Orthodox Jewish Rabbis, pubic speakers and teachers from all over the globe. On this platform, these individuals can share their knowledge and insights through video and audio content, classes, lectures, shiurim and more. In addition to providing a space for the sharing of unique ideas in the Torah world.

  • Business Account for Rabbis Teaching Torah 

    Automatic Cloud Recording
    - 300 Viewer Capacity
    - Advanced Capabilities vs Free Account


  • Subscription to Otzar HaChochma Software for Rabbis to Research Torah Sefarim

    Otzar HaChochma is a online software that allows research into over 180,000+ Jewish books and sefarim. The searching system allows quick and easy access to find new and innovative ideas to learn and teach to others.

  • Classes, Speakers & Event Sponsorships
    Guest Rabbis, Lecturers & Jewish Educators


  • Rabbis Agent / Speaker Agency

    Speech, Event & Calendar Planning, Location Coordination, Transportation / Private Driver & more to assist Lecturers, Darshanim and Rabbis to help spread there Torah

  • Technology Implementation

    Digital Media Direction
    - Online Marketing
    - Branding & Logo 
    - Graphic Design
    - Content Creation
    - Website Design
    - Social Media Co
    nsulting & Management (Instagram, WhatsApp)

    - Digital Signage for TV Screens
    Screen Placement, Innovative Vertical Screen Stands, Remote Updating of Schedules


  • Marketing & Consulting Services for Synagogues & Rabbis

    We assist in supercharging your current operation. If you have the location, we will bring the people. Our focus and end game is to bring more people to attend shuls, kollels and midrashim and learn Torah. Our methods are unique, in the fast lane and has been proven to work over and over again, against all odds.

  • Private Learning (One-on-One Havruta), Group Learning Classes & Shiurim


Westwood Ave Minyan




Our mission is connecting and exciting Jews to learn & enjoy the Torah and conduct tefilla on a higher standard.

A bet midrash for Torah learning and research, minyanim, prayers and tefillah servicing the local Orthodox Sephardic Jewish community year-round on the Jersey Shore in Deal & Long Branch NJ.

Past Speakers
(Short List)

  • Hacham Shlomo Amar, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem

  • Hacham David Yosef, Yehave Daat

  • Rabbi Yitzchak Levi, Chief Rabbi of Nesher Israel

  • Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn, Maggid / Mohel

  • Rabbi Rahamim Khalife 

  • Rabbi Yehoshua Sova 

  • Rabbi Yonatan Magazzinich 

  • Rabbi Eli J. Mansour, The Edmond J Safra Synagogue

  • Rabbi Shmuel Pinchasi

  • Rabbi Daniel J. Glatstein

  • Rabbi Zev Leff
  • Rabbi Manis Friedman

  • Rabbi Meyer Yedid, YDE / Congregation Shaare Zion

  • Rabbi Duvi Bensoussan

  • Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

  • Rabbi David Ashear

  • Rabbi David Sutton

  • Rabbi David Lopes
  • Rabbi David Bakkar

  • Rav Moshe Horev z"tl

  • Rav Yaakov Ades
  • Rabbi Yisrael Abergel

  • Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Dayan

  • Rabbi Nathan Escava, Mohel

  • Rabbi Gavriel Koskas 

  • Rabbi Ronen Abitboul

  • Rabbi David Melamed

  • Hazan Yechezkel Mizrahi

  • Hazan Yonatan Hen

  • Hazan Mordechai Salem

  • Hazan Yedidya Jayat

  • Hacham Shaul Dagmy

  • Mr Sharon Lankry

  • Mr YY Benshaul 

Partners (Short List)

  • Park Avenue Synagogue, Congregation Ohel Simha
    Long Branch, NJ


  • NMB Kollel - Kollel Zichron Michel 
    North Miami Beach, FL


  • Hechal Shalom Or Oziel
    Surfside, FL


  • The Sephardic Center
    Surfside, FL


  • Young Israel of Bal Harbour
    Surfside, FL


  • Congregation Shaare Ezra - Sephardic Synagogue
    Miami Beach, FL


  • Miami Sephardic Club
    Miami, FL

  • Congregation Magen Abraham
    West Long Branch, NJ

Executive Board

  • David Melamed
    Breslev, Aventura

  • Judah Mandel, Esq.
    Cong. Shaare Ezra, Miami Beach
  • David Behar
    Miami Sephardic Club
  • Yerachmiel Parsons
    NMB Kollel, North Miami Beach

  • Dr. Clement Choua, M.D.

  • Jonathan Dagmy
    Surfside, FL (President) 

  • Adina Dagmy
    (Director, Womens Division)

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